![]() |
Ocean Observing System |
Compliance Complete Report
Compliance Dataset Results
CF 1.8 IOOS Compliance Report on ERDDAP datasets
Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Acces- sible ![]() | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
data | graph | files | public | Bedford Basin BOP Level 2 | ![]() | F I M | background![]() | ![]() | ![]() | MEOPAR | bb1_bop_level2 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | _NCProperties | String | version=2,netcdf=4.8.0,hdf5=1.10.6 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | calibration_directory | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | TimeSeries |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_timeseries_variables | String | sampling_day, latitude, longitude |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | CF-1.6, COARDS, ACDD-1.3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_email | String | ceotr at dal.ca |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | Coastal Environmental Observation Technology and Research (CEOTR) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_url | String | http://ceotr.ca/bbasin/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | data_file_path | String | /home/ceotr/data/bbasin/weekly_timeseries/Data/BOP/2022/Raw/bb1_bop_2022-10-20_u_AB.raw |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | disclaimer | String | Sensor data is not corrected using discrete sample data |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | -63.6302928333333 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | featureType | String | TimeSeries |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | 44.68298333333333 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | -63.6302928333333 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | -63.6512885 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | history | String | Observational data from an undersea listening station |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | , , |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | MEOPAR |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | 1, A, absolute, ACS, AREF, aref, ASIG, asig, AUX, Aux, AVE, ave, basin, bedford, BLUE, blue, bop, C, CDOM, cdom, CHECK, CHECKSUM, checksum, chlorophyll, colored, concentration, conductivity, conservative, count, CREF, cref, CRLF, CSIG, csig, currents, DARK, dark, data, DATEFIELD, datetime, density, depth, dissolved, dissolved o2, electrical, ES, EWHEM, EXT, ext, far, fluorescence, FRAME, GPRMC.EWHEM, GPRMC.i_depth, GPRMC.latitude, GPRMC.longitude, GPRMC.Mag, GPRMC.NAV, GPRMC.NSHEM, GPRMC.platform_speed_wrt_ground, GPRMC.True, GPRMC.UNKNOWN, GPRMC.VLF_INSTRUMENT, GREEN, ground, HEAD, head, i, in, INSTRUMENT, instrument, INT, int, integration, INTTIME, latitude, LEN, len, level, longitude, Mag, mass, matter, meopar, meteorology, METER, meter, mole, molecular, NAV, nitrate, NSHEM, O2, ocean, Ocean Temperature >, oceans, Oceans >, of, on, optical, organic, oxygen, PAD, pad, percent, pH, ph, PHYTO, phyto, platform, practical, PRES, PRESSURE, pressure, RED, red, REF, ref, reported, RES, res, Salinity, salinity, Salinity/Density >, SAMP, samp, SAMPLE, sampling_day, SATACS0020.ACS_A_wavelengths, SATACS0020.ACS_A_wavelengths_data, SATACS0020.ACS_AREF_wavelengths, SATACS0020.ACS_AREF_wavelengths_data, SATACS0020.ACS_ASIG_wavelengths, SATACS0020.ACS_ASIG_wavelengths_data, SATACS0020.ACS_C_DARK, SATACS0020.ACS_C_SIGNAL, SATACS0020.ACS_C_wavelengths, SATACS0020.ACS_C_wavelengths_data, SATACS0020.ACS_CHECKSUM, SATACS0020.ACS_CREF_wavelengths, SATACS0020.ACS_CREF_wavelengths_data, SATACS0020.ACS_CSIG_wavelengths, SATACS0020.ACS_CSIG_wavelengths_data, SATACS0020.ACS_DARK, SATACS0020.ACS_EXT_TEMP, SATACS0020.ACS_HEAD, SATACS0020.ACS_INT_TEMP, SATACS0020.ACS_LEN, SATACS0020.ACS_METER, SATACS0020.ACS_PAD, SATACS0020.ACS_PRESSURE, SATACS0020.ACS_RES, SATACS0020.ACS_RES_1, SATACS0020.ACS_SIG_DARK, SATACS0020.ACS_SN, SATACS0020.ACS_TIME, SATACS0020.ACS_TYPE, SATACS0020.ACS_WAVNUM, SATACS0020.AUX, SATACS0020.i_depth, SATACS0020.INSTRUMENT, SATACS0020.latitude, SATACS0020.longitude, SATACS0020.SN, SATCTD7229.CRLF, SATCTD7229.i_depth, SATCTD7229.INSTRUMENT, SATCTD7229.latitude, SATCTD7229.longitude, SATCTD7229.mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water, SATCTD7229.O2_volts, SATCTD7229.percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water, SATCTD7229.pH_volts, SATCTD7229.PRES, SATCTD7229.sea_water_absolute_salinity, SATCTD7229.sea_water_conservative_temperature, SATCTD7229.sea_water_density, SATCTD7229.sea_water_electrical_conductivity, SATCTD7229.sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale, SATCTD7229.sea_water_practical_salinity, SATCTD7229.sea_water_salinity, SATCTD7229.sea_water_temperature, SATCTD7229.SN, SATFL30338.DATEFIELD, SATFL30338.fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue, SATFL30338.fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red, SATFL30338.fluorescence_chlorophyll_red_to_far_red, SATFL30338.i_depth, SATFL30338.latitude, SATFL30338.longitude, SATFL30338.PHYTO_wavelengths, SATFL30338.PHYTO_wavelengths_data, SATFL30338.REF_CDOM, SATFL30338.REF_PHYTO_wavelengths, SATFL30338.REF_PHYTO_wavelengths_data, SATFL30338.THERM, SATFL30338.TIMEFIELD, SATFL30338.VLF_INSTRUMENT, SATHED0211.CHECK, SATHED0211.CRLF, SATHED0211.DARK_AVE, SATHED0211.DARK_SAMP, SATHED0211.ES_wavelengths, SATHED0211.ES_wavelengths_data, SATHED0211.FRAME, SATHED0211.i_depth, SATHED0211.INSTRUMENT, SATHED0211.INTTIME, SATHED0211.latitude, SATHED0211.longitude, SATHED0211.SAMPLE, SATHED0211.SN, SATHED0211.SPECTEMP, SATHED0211.TIMER, SATHSE0211.CHECK, SATHSE0211.CRLF, SATHSE0211.DARK_AVE, SATHSE0211.DARK_SAMP, SATHSE0211.ES_wavelengths, SATHSE0211.ES_wavelengths_data, SATHSE0211.FRAME, SATHSE0211.i_depth, SATHSE0211.INSTRUMENT, SATHSE0211.integration_time, SATHSE0211.INTTIME, SATHSE0211.latitude, SATHSE0211.longitude, SATHSE0211.SAMPLE, SATHSE0211.SN, SATHSE0211.SPECTEMP, SATHSE0211.TIMER, SATHSE0211.weighted_spectral_depth, SATSLB0045.i_depth, SATSLB0045.latitude, SATSLB0045.longitude, SATSLB0045.mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water, SATSLB0045.mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water, SATSTX0016.Aux, SATSTX0016.AUX_wavelengths, SATSTX0016.AUX_wavelengths_data, SATSTX0016.CRLF, SATSTX0016.i_depth, SATSTX0016.INSTRUMENT, SATSTX0016.latitude, SATSTX0016.longitude, SATSTX0016.SN, SATSTX0016.SV, SATSTX0016.T, saturation, SATVSF0113.BLUE_wavelengths, SATVSF0113.BLUE_wavelengths_data, SATVSF0113.GREEN_wavelengths, SATVSF0113.GREEN_wavelengths_data, SATVSF0113.i_depth, SATVSF0113.latitude, SATVSF0113.longitude, SATVSF0113.RED_wavelengths, SATVSF0113.RED_wavelengths_data, scale, sea, sea_water_practical_salinity, seawater, SIG, sig, SIGNAL, signal, SN, SPECTEMP, spectral, speed, statistics, SV, T, tabs, TEMP, temperature, THERM, TIME, time, TIMEFIELD, TIMER, to, total, True, TYPE, type, UNKNOWN, uv, VLF, volts, water, Water Temperature, wavelengths, WAVNUM, wavnum, weighted, wrt |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords_vocabulary | String | GCMD Science Keywords |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | This data may be redistributed and used without restriction. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | naming_authority | String | ca.meopar |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | platform_type | String | CEOTR Profiler |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | processing_level | String | Dataset for a single day of water sampling in the Bedford Basin |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | project | String | BBASIN |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_email | String | ceotr at dal.ca |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_name | String | Coastal Environmental Observation Technology and Research (CEOTR) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | publisher_url | String | http://ceotr.ca/bbasin/![]() |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sea_name | String | North Atlantic Ocean |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | source | String | Observational data from an undersea listening station |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | 44.68298333333333 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v27 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | Level 2 data of the BOP profiler in the Bedford Basin |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_end | String | 2022-10-20T14:46:10Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | time_coverage_start | String | 2010-01-13T14:43:13Z |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | Bedford Basin BOP Level 2 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | -63.6512885 |
variable | sampling_day | String | ||
attribute | sampling_day | cf_role | String | timeseries_id |
attribute | sampling_day | ioos_category | String | Identifier |
attribute | sampling_day | long_name | String | Sampling Day |
variable | GPRMC_EWHEM | String | ||
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | delimiters | String | 0x2c |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | field_length | String | V |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | id | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | long_name | String | GPRMC\.EWHEM |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | type | String | EWHEM |
attribute | GPRMC_EWHEM | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | longitude | double | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | double | -63.6512885, -63.6302928333333 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | longitude | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | longitude | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | longitude | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | longitude | delimiters | String | 0x2c |
attribute | longitude | field_length | String | V |
attribute | longitude | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | longitude | fit_type | String | GPSDEG |
attribute | longitude | id | String | NONE |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | longitude | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | longitude | variable_length | long | 1 |
attribute | longitude | vendors_sensor_name | String | LON |
variable | GPRMC_NAV | String | ||
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | delimiters | String | 0x2c |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | field_length | String | V |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | id | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | long_name | String | GPRMC\.NAV |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | type | String | NAV |
attribute | GPRMC_NAV | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | GPRMC_NSHEM | String | ||
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | delimiters | String | 0x2c |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | field_length | String | V |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | id | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | long_name | String | GPRMC\.NSHEM |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | type | String | NSHEM |
attribute | GPRMC_NSHEM | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | double | ||
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | actual_range | double | 0.0, 8.59 |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | delimiters | String | 0x2c |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | field_length | String | V |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | id | String | Ground |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | ioos_category | String | Currents |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | long_name | String | GPRMC\.platform Speed Wrt Ground |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | units | String | knots |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | variable_length | long | 1 |
attribute | GPRMC_platform_speed_wrt_ground | vendors_sensor_name | String | Speed |
variable | GPRMC_True | double | ||
attribute | GPRMC_True | actual_range | double | 0.01, 359.96 |
attribute | GPRMC_True | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | GPRMC_True | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_True | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | GPRMC_True | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | GPRMC_True | delimiters | String | 0x2c |
attribute | GPRMC_True | field_length | String | V |
attribute | GPRMC_True | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_True | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_True | id | String | Degrees |
attribute | GPRMC_True | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | GPRMC_True | long_name | String | GPRMC\.True |
attribute | GPRMC_True | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_True | type | String | True |
attribute | GPRMC_True | units | String | degrees |
attribute | GPRMC_True | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | String | ||
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | delimiters | String | 0x2c 0x0D0x0A |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | field_length | String | V |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | id | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | long_name | String | GPRMC\.UNKNOWN |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | type | String | UNKNOWN |
attribute | GPRMC_UNKNOWN | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | String | ||
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | field_length | String | 6 |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | id | String | $GPRMC |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | long_name | String | GPRMC\.VLF INSTRUMENT |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | type | String | VLF_INSTRUMENT |
attribute | GPRMC_VLF_INSTRUMENT | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | GPRMC_i_depth | double | ||
attribute | GPRMC_i_depth | actual_range | double | -0.381298871878057, 70.9490978613634 |
attribute | GPRMC_i_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | GPRMC_i_depth | long_name | String | GPRMC\.i Depth |
variable | GPRMC_Mag | double | ||
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | actual_range | double | 16.7, 19.2 |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | delimiters | String | 0x2c |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | field_length | String | V |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | id | String | Variation |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | long_name | String | GPRMC\.Mag |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | type | String | Mag |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | units | String | degree |
attribute | GPRMC_Mag | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | latitude | double | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | double | 44.68298333333333, 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/GPRMC.tdf |
attribute | latitude | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | latitude | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | latitude | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | latitude | delimiters | String | 0x2c |
attribute | latitude | field_length | String | V |
attribute | latitude | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | latitude | fit_type | String | GPSDEG |
attribute | latitude | id | String | NONE |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | latitude | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | latitude | variable_length | long | 1 |
attribute | latitude | vendors_sensor_name | String | LAT |
variable | SATHED0211_CHECK | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | actual_range | double | 0.0, 255.0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | id | String | SUM |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.CHECK |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | type | String | CHECK |
attribute | SATHED0211_CHECK | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_CRLF | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | actual_range | double | 3338.0, 3338.0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | id | String | TERMINATOR |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.CRLF |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | type | String | CRLF |
attribute | SATHED0211_CRLF | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | actual_range | double | 569.0, 1470.0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | id | String | ES |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.DARK AVE |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | type | String | DARK_AVE |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_AVE | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | actual_range | double | 15.0, 15.0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | id | String | ES |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.DARK SAMP |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | type | String | DARK_SAMP |
attribute | SATHED0211_DARK_SAMP | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_FRAME | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | actual_range | double | 0.0, 255.0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | id | String | COUNTER |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.FRAME |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | type | String | FRAME |
attribute | SATHED0211_FRAME | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | String | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | field_length | String | 6 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | id | String | SATHED |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | type | String | INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATHED0211_INSTRUMENT | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_INTTIME | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | actual_range | double | 0.016, 8.32 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | calibration_coefficients | String | 0.0000 1.0000e-003 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | fit_type | String | POLYU |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | id | String | ES |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.INTTIME |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | type | String | INTTIME |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | units | String | sec |
attribute | SATHED0211_INTTIME | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | actual_range | double | 0.0, 8.224 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | calibration_coefficients | String | 0.0000 1.0000e-003 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | fit_type | String | POLYU |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | id | String | DELAY |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.SAMPLE |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | type | String | SAMPLE |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | units | String | sec |
attribute | SATHED0211_SAMPLE | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_SN | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | actual_range | double | 211.0, 211.0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | id | String | 0211 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.SN |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | type | String | SN |
attribute | SATHED0211_SN | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | actual_range | double | -8.88, 37.13 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | field_length | String | 6 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.SPECTEMP |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | type | String | SPECTEMP |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | units | String | C |
attribute | SATHED0211_SPECTEMP | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_TIMER | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | actual_range | double | 1.31, 3108.68 |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | field_length | String | 10 |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.TIMER |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | type | String | TIMER |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | units | String | sec |
attribute | SATHED0211_TIMER | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_latitude | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_latitude | actual_range | double | 44.65, 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | SATHED0211_latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATHED0211_latitude | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.latitude |
variable | SATHED0211_longitude | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_longitude | actual_range | double | -63.6512885, 63.6 |
attribute | SATHED0211_longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATHED0211_longitude | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.longitude |
variable | SATHED0211_i_depth | double | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_i_depth | actual_range | double | -0.386846072553767, 70.9590135430068 |
attribute | SATHED0211_i_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATHED0211_i_depth | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.i Depth |
variable | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | calibration_coefficients | String | ['819.275', '4.49009565118e-003', '1.000', '0.256'],820.348 4.73583059541e-003 1.000 0.256,820.203 4.63531629976e-003 1.000 0.256,819.913 4.57954923903e-003 1.000 0.256,818.188 4.40706582657e-003 1.000 0.256,821.116 4.30413423732e-003 1.000 0.256,817.928 4.08173435413e-003 1.000 0.256,819.928 3.87564294107e-003 1.000 0.256,819.739 3.73233108142e-003 1.000 0.256,819.319 3.5431806777e-003 1.000 0.256,816.246 3.31666634305e-003 1.000 0.256,817.087 3.08279421267e-003 1.000 0.256,815.478 2.88988436194e-003 1.000 0.256,817.174 2.62137571327e-003 1.000 0.256,816.362 2.40354830132e-003 1.000 0.256,818.797 2.22955887756e-003 1.000 0.256,815.406 2.08988311881e-003 1.000 0.256,820.971 2.01193032414e-003 1.000 0.256,817.536 1.93823193948e-003 1.000 0.256,817.652 1.90904206544e-003 1.000 0.256,818.812 1.92179013804e-003 1.000 0.256,817.667 1.94062824787e-003 1.000 0.256,816.493 1.97073156195e-003 1.000 0.256,818.739 1.9836026683e-003 1.000 0.256,816.928 1.9745862726e-003 1.000 0.256,820.681 1.96431648329e-003 1.000 0.256,817.333 1.93704170184e-003 1.000 0.256,815.739 1.88945036435e-003 1.000 0.256,816.072 1.83402978683e-003 1.000 0.256,815.710 1.76128001275e-003 1.000 0.256,814.986 1.68805386871e-003 1.000 0.256,816.464 1.59558507377e-003 1.000 0.256,815.174 1.50698997038e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.41909555799e-003 1.000 0.256,815.768 1.33639829123e-003 1.000 0.256,816.710 1.25821743549e-003 1.000 0.256,816.754 1.19323992183e-003 1.000 0.256,817.739 1.13461090053e-003 1.000 0.256,814.072 1.08794835992e-003 1.000 0.256,816.681 1.05726613696e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 1.03505765129e-003 1.000 0.256,816.681 1.02420570724e-003 1.000 0.256,813.522 1.02010192856e-003 1.000 0.256,817.029 1.02709163754e-003 1.000 0.256,816.174 1.03806662879e-003 1.000 0.256,817.507 1.05474460428e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 1.0729756104e-003 1.000 0.256,818.536 1.09238081382e-003 1.000 0.256,815.551 1.11453848594e-003 1.000 0.256,820.217 1.13655822831e-003 1.000 0.256,818.348 1.15922289606e-003 1.000 0.256,819.812 1.17929656906e-003 1.000 0.256,816.493 1.19488457156e-003 1.000 0.256,817.246 1.20410876032e-003 1.000 0.256,819.899 1.20942454884e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.20743957991e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 1.20289176213e-003 1.000 0.256,820.522 1.19178327665e-003 1.000 0.256,816.319 1.17562904295e-003 1.000 0.256,819.014 1.15714130772e-003 1.000 0.256,817.739 1.13303744198e-003 1.000 0.256,818.812 1.10730672016e-003 1.000 0.256,816.188 1.07999513616e-003 1.000 0.256,819.565 1.05542549695e-003 1.000 0.256,820.580 1.03336323596e-003 1.000 0.256,818.478 1.01347919986e-003 1.000 0.256,817.261 9.96736749513e-004 1.000 0.256,819.841 9.82519195055e-004 1.000 0.256,820.464 9.69276910779e-004 1.000 0.256,819.174 9.55988390517e-004 1.000 0.256,818.275 9.44552858421e-004 1.000 0.256,822.232 9.34994497259e-004 1.000 0.256,817.420 9.26909621222e-004 1.000 0.256,820.696 9.19608141235e-004 1.000 0.256,820.580 9.1172215057e-004 1.000 0.256,820.652 9.07362728679e-004 1.000 0.256,821.536 9.07373769711e-004 1.000 0.256,820.072 9.09359433026e-004 1.000 0.256,820.203 9.14227027225e-004 1.000 0.256,819.116 9.18712619829e-004 1.000 0.256,820.986 9.23953078959e-004 1.000 0.256,821.551 9.32274840456e-004 1.000 0.256,819.014 9.42353915423e-004 1.000 0.256,822.420 9.61070250682e-004 1.000 0.256,819.667 9.8486520277e-004 1.000 0.256,821.029 1.00630594829e-003 1.000 0.256,817.551 1.02936635837e-003 1.000 0.256,822.652 1.05417309532e-003 1.000 0.256,818.232 1.07620856149e-003 1.000 0.256,817.710 1.09842315844e-003 1.000 0.256,819.406 1.12035370238e-003 1.000 0.256,820.551 1.14182779666e-003 1.000 0.256,818.768 1.16315274883e-003 1.000 0.256,820.551 1.18530207723e-003 1.000 0.256,817.768 1.20609286282e-003 1.000 0.256,821.072 1.22416591233e-003 1.000 0.256,818.507 1.24193524338e-003 1.000 0.256,821.783 1.25645483035e-003 1.000 0.256,820.000 1.27043377097e-003 1.000 0.256,820.957 1.28273118688e-003 1.000 0.256,820.478 1.2957294347e-003 1.000 0.256,820.870 1.31230043648e-003 1.000 0.256,820.652 1.33293618699e-003 1.000 0.256,820.101 1.35740324755e-003 1.000 0.256,818.797 1.38266416807e-003 1.000 0.256,817.493 1.40385874042e-003 1.000 0.256,816.000 1.41856586777e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.42776355875e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 1.4340976044e-003 1.000 0.256,818.290 1.43814411489e-003 1.000 0.256,818.029 1.44400481178e-003 1.000 0.256,819.319 1.44944487511e-003 1.000 0.256,816.478 1.4567402626e-003 1.000 0.256,819.464 1.46403559613e-003 1.000 0.256,818.188 1.4716921066e-003 1.000 0.256,819.696 1.47686007579e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 1.47921786084e-003 1.000 0.256,819.986 1.47545326641e-003 1.000 0.256,820.565 1.46737230994e-003 1.000 0.256,818.884 1.45532948426e-003 1.000 0.256,819.304 1.44238082084e-003 1.000 0.256,819.377 1.43166965205e-003 1.000 0.256,818.493 1.42321073283e-003 1.000 0.256,821.377 1.41754414322e-003 1.000 0.256,817.971 1.41369777822e-003 1.000 0.256,819.449 1.41171909061e-003 1.000 0.256,818.652 1.4122378002e-003 1.000 0.256,821.000 1.41627384183e-003 1.000 0.256,818.101 1.42100400772e-003 1.000 0.256,815.188 1.42843445376e-003 1.000 0.256,818.000 1.43621121821e-003 1.000 0.256,818.913 1.44520320577e-003 1.000 0.256,819.333 1.46016653373e-003 1.000 0.256,819.565 1.47694614612e-003 1.000 0.256,817.464 1.50078357029e-003 1.000 0.256,821.087 1.52944005534e-003 1.000 0.256,819.464 1.5637301741e-003 1.000 0.256,824.377 1.60036031675e-003 1.000 0.256,818.754 1.64050492948e-003 1.000 0.256,819.580 1.6788913482e-003 1.000 0.256,818.841 1.72057563576e-003 1.000 0.256,820.710 1.76317207342e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 1.80617733966e-003 1.000 0.256,818.652 1.85138782018e-003 1.000 0.256,817.870 1.89891850555e-003 1.000 0.256,820.754 1.94507868825e-003 1.000 0.256,816.884 1.99647125796e-003 1.000 0.256,817.536 2.05116542596e-003 1.000 0.256,816.899 2.10940593524e-003 1.000 0.256,815.681 2.17311363203e-003 1.000 0.256,814.319 2.24323358483e-003 1.000 0.256,818.696 2.31986978972e-003 1.000 0.256,815.217 2.40214183514e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 2.48963059721e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 2.57298735646e-003 1.000 0.256,820.536 2.66213828284e-003 1.000 0.256,816.725 2.75292629199e-003 1.000 0.256,817.928 2.84286009533e-003 1.000 0.256,817.478 2.93747678094e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 3.02822012474e-003 1.000 0.256,815.319 3.11795596624e-003 1.000 0.256,817.710 3.20898135009e-003 1.000 0.256,815.145 3.29946609701e-003 1.000 0.256,814.957 3.39097054993e-003 1.000 0.256,812.667 3.48996177005e-003 1.000 0.256 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | fit_type | String | OPTIC3 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | id | String | 305.55,308.89,312.22,315.55,318.88,322.22,325.55,328.89,332.22,335.56,338.90,342.23,345.57,348.91,352.25,355.59,358.94,362.28,365.62,368.97,372.31,375.66,379.00,382.35,385.69,389.04,392.39,395.74,399.09,402.44,405.79,409.14,412.49,415.84,419.20,422.55,425.90,429.26,432.61,435.97,439.32,442.68,446.03,449.39,452.75,456.11,459.47,462.82,466.18,469.54,472.90,476.26,479.62,482.98,486.35,489.71,493.07,496.43,499.79,503.16,506.52,509.88,513.25,516.61,519.98,523.34,526.70,530.07,533.43,536.80,540.17,543.53,546.90,550.26,553.63,557.00,560.36,563.73,567.10,570.47,573.83,577.20,580.57,583.93,587.30,590.67,594.04,597.41,600.77,604.14,607.51,610.88,614.25,617.61,620.98,624.35,627.72,631.09,634.45,637.82,641.19,644.56,647.93,651.29,654.66,658.03,661.40,664.76,668.13,671.50,674.86,678.23,681.60,684.96,688.33,691.70,695.06,698.43,701.79,705.16,708.52,711.89,715.25,718.62,721.98,725.34,728.71,732.07,735.43,738.79,742.16,745.52,748.88,752.24,755.60,758.96,762.32,765.68,769.04,772.40,775.76,779.12,782.47,785.83,789.19,792.54,795.90,799.26,802.61,805.97,809.32,812.67,816.03,819.38,822.73,826.08,829.43,832.78,836.13,839.48,842.83,846.18,849.52,852.87,856.22 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.ES Wavelengths |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | type | String | ES |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | units | String | uW/cm^2/nm |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HED211M.cal |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | calibration_coefficients | String | ['819.275', '4.49009565118e-003', '1.000', '0.256'],820.348 4.73583059541e-003 1.000 0.256,820.203 4.63531629976e-003 1.000 0.256,819.913 4.57954923903e-003 1.000 0.256,818.188 4.40706582657e-003 1.000 0.256,821.116 4.30413423732e-003 1.000 0.256,817.928 4.08173435413e-003 1.000 0.256,819.928 3.87564294107e-003 1.000 0.256,819.739 3.73233108142e-003 1.000 0.256,819.319 3.5431806777e-003 1.000 0.256,816.246 3.31666634305e-003 1.000 0.256,817.087 3.08279421267e-003 1.000 0.256,815.478 2.88988436194e-003 1.000 0.256,817.174 2.62137571327e-003 1.000 0.256,816.362 2.40354830132e-003 1.000 0.256,818.797 2.22955887756e-003 1.000 0.256,815.406 2.08988311881e-003 1.000 0.256,820.971 2.01193032414e-003 1.000 0.256,817.536 1.93823193948e-003 1.000 0.256,817.652 1.90904206544e-003 1.000 0.256,818.812 1.92179013804e-003 1.000 0.256,817.667 1.94062824787e-003 1.000 0.256,816.493 1.97073156195e-003 1.000 0.256,818.739 1.9836026683e-003 1.000 0.256,816.928 1.9745862726e-003 1.000 0.256,820.681 1.96431648329e-003 1.000 0.256,817.333 1.93704170184e-003 1.000 0.256,815.739 1.88945036435e-003 1.000 0.256,816.072 1.83402978683e-003 1.000 0.256,815.710 1.76128001275e-003 1.000 0.256,814.986 1.68805386871e-003 1.000 0.256,816.464 1.59558507377e-003 1.000 0.256,815.174 1.50698997038e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.41909555799e-003 1.000 0.256,815.768 1.33639829123e-003 1.000 0.256,816.710 1.25821743549e-003 1.000 0.256,816.754 1.19323992183e-003 1.000 0.256,817.739 1.13461090053e-003 1.000 0.256,814.072 1.08794835992e-003 1.000 0.256,816.681 1.05726613696e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 1.03505765129e-003 1.000 0.256,816.681 1.02420570724e-003 1.000 0.256,813.522 1.02010192856e-003 1.000 0.256,817.029 1.02709163754e-003 1.000 0.256,816.174 1.03806662879e-003 1.000 0.256,817.507 1.05474460428e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 1.0729756104e-003 1.000 0.256,818.536 1.09238081382e-003 1.000 0.256,815.551 1.11453848594e-003 1.000 0.256,820.217 1.13655822831e-003 1.000 0.256,818.348 1.15922289606e-003 1.000 0.256,819.812 1.17929656906e-003 1.000 0.256,816.493 1.19488457156e-003 1.000 0.256,817.246 1.20410876032e-003 1.000 0.256,819.899 1.20942454884e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.20743957991e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 1.20289176213e-003 1.000 0.256,820.522 1.19178327665e-003 1.000 0.256,816.319 1.17562904295e-003 1.000 0.256,819.014 1.15714130772e-003 1.000 0.256,817.739 1.13303744198e-003 1.000 0.256,818.812 1.10730672016e-003 1.000 0.256,816.188 1.07999513616e-003 1.000 0.256,819.565 1.05542549695e-003 1.000 0.256,820.580 1.03336323596e-003 1.000 0.256,818.478 1.01347919986e-003 1.000 0.256,817.261 9.96736749513e-004 1.000 0.256,819.841 9.82519195055e-004 1.000 0.256,820.464 9.69276910779e-004 1.000 0.256,819.174 9.55988390517e-004 1.000 0.256,818.275 9.44552858421e-004 1.000 0.256,822.232 9.34994497259e-004 1.000 0.256,817.420 9.26909621222e-004 1.000 0.256,820.696 9.19608141235e-004 1.000 0.256,820.580 9.1172215057e-004 1.000 0.256,820.652 9.07362728679e-004 1.000 0.256,821.536 9.07373769711e-004 1.000 0.256,820.072 9.09359433026e-004 1.000 0.256,820.203 9.14227027225e-004 1.000 0.256,819.116 9.18712619829e-004 1.000 0.256,820.986 9.23953078959e-004 1.000 0.256,821.551 9.32274840456e-004 1.000 0.256,819.014 9.42353915423e-004 1.000 0.256,822.420 9.61070250682e-004 1.000 0.256,819.667 9.8486520277e-004 1.000 0.256,821.029 1.00630594829e-003 1.000 0.256,817.551 1.02936635837e-003 1.000 0.256,822.652 1.05417309532e-003 1.000 0.256,818.232 1.07620856149e-003 1.000 0.256,817.710 1.09842315844e-003 1.000 0.256,819.406 1.12035370238e-003 1.000 0.256,820.551 1.14182779666e-003 1.000 0.256,818.768 1.16315274883e-003 1.000 0.256,820.551 1.18530207723e-003 1.000 0.256,817.768 1.20609286282e-003 1.000 0.256,821.072 1.22416591233e-003 1.000 0.256,818.507 1.24193524338e-003 1.000 0.256,821.783 1.25645483035e-003 1.000 0.256,820.000 1.27043377097e-003 1.000 0.256,820.957 1.28273118688e-003 1.000 0.256,820.478 1.2957294347e-003 1.000 0.256,820.870 1.31230043648e-003 1.000 0.256,820.652 1.33293618699e-003 1.000 0.256,820.101 1.35740324755e-003 1.000 0.256,818.797 1.38266416807e-003 1.000 0.256,817.493 1.40385874042e-003 1.000 0.256,816.000 1.41856586777e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.42776355875e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 1.4340976044e-003 1.000 0.256,818.290 1.43814411489e-003 1.000 0.256,818.029 1.44400481178e-003 1.000 0.256,819.319 1.44944487511e-003 1.000 0.256,816.478 1.4567402626e-003 1.000 0.256,819.464 1.46403559613e-003 1.000 0.256,818.188 1.4716921066e-003 1.000 0.256,819.696 1.47686007579e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 1.47921786084e-003 1.000 0.256,819.986 1.47545326641e-003 1.000 0.256,820.565 1.46737230994e-003 1.000 0.256,818.884 1.45532948426e-003 1.000 0.256,819.304 1.44238082084e-003 1.000 0.256,819.377 1.43166965205e-003 1.000 0.256,818.493 1.42321073283e-003 1.000 0.256,821.377 1.41754414322e-003 1.000 0.256,817.971 1.41369777822e-003 1.000 0.256,819.449 1.41171909061e-003 1.000 0.256,818.652 1.4122378002e-003 1.000 0.256,821.000 1.41627384183e-003 1.000 0.256,818.101 1.42100400772e-003 1.000 0.256,815.188 1.42843445376e-003 1.000 0.256,818.000 1.43621121821e-003 1.000 0.256,818.913 1.44520320577e-003 1.000 0.256,819.333 1.46016653373e-003 1.000 0.256,819.565 1.47694614612e-003 1.000 0.256,817.464 1.50078357029e-003 1.000 0.256,821.087 1.52944005534e-003 1.000 0.256,819.464 1.5637301741e-003 1.000 0.256,824.377 1.60036031675e-003 1.000 0.256,818.754 1.64050492948e-003 1.000 0.256,819.580 1.6788913482e-003 1.000 0.256,818.841 1.72057563576e-003 1.000 0.256,820.710 1.76317207342e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 1.80617733966e-003 1.000 0.256,818.652 1.85138782018e-003 1.000 0.256,817.870 1.89891850555e-003 1.000 0.256,820.754 1.94507868825e-003 1.000 0.256,816.884 1.99647125796e-003 1.000 0.256,817.536 2.05116542596e-003 1.000 0.256,816.899 2.10940593524e-003 1.000 0.256,815.681 2.17311363203e-003 1.000 0.256,814.319 2.24323358483e-003 1.000 0.256,818.696 2.31986978972e-003 1.000 0.256,815.217 2.40214183514e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 2.48963059721e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 2.57298735646e-003 1.000 0.256,820.536 2.66213828284e-003 1.000 0.256,816.725 2.75292629199e-003 1.000 0.256,817.928 2.84286009533e-003 1.000 0.256,817.478 2.93747678094e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 3.02822012474e-003 1.000 0.256,815.319 3.11795596624e-003 1.000 0.256,817.710 3.20898135009e-003 1.000 0.256,815.145 3.29946609701e-003 1.000 0.256,814.957 3.39097054993e-003 1.000 0.256,812.667 3.48996177005e-003 1.000 0.256 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | fit_type | String | OPTIC3 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | id | String | 305.55,308.89,312.22,315.55,318.88,322.22,325.55,328.89,332.22,335.56,338.90,342.23,345.57,348.91,352.25,355.59,358.94,362.28,365.62,368.97,372.31,375.66,379.00,382.35,385.69,389.04,392.39,395.74,399.09,402.44,405.79,409.14,412.49,415.84,419.20,422.55,425.90,429.26,432.61,435.97,439.32,442.68,446.03,449.39,452.75,456.11,459.47,462.82,466.18,469.54,472.90,476.26,479.62,482.98,486.35,489.71,493.07,496.43,499.79,503.16,506.52,509.88,513.25,516.61,519.98,523.34,526.70,530.07,533.43,536.80,540.17,543.53,546.90,550.26,553.63,557.00,560.36,563.73,567.10,570.47,573.83,577.20,580.57,583.93,587.30,590.67,594.04,597.41,600.77,604.14,607.51,610.88,614.25,617.61,620.98,624.35,627.72,631.09,634.45,637.82,641.19,644.56,647.93,651.29,654.66,658.03,661.40,664.76,668.13,671.50,674.86,678.23,681.60,684.96,688.33,691.70,695.06,698.43,701.79,705.16,708.52,711.89,715.25,718.62,721.98,725.34,728.71,732.07,735.43,738.79,742.16,745.52,748.88,752.24,755.60,758.96,762.32,765.68,769.04,772.40,775.76,779.12,782.47,785.83,789.19,792.54,795.90,799.26,802.61,805.97,809.32,812.67,816.03,819.38,822.73,826.08,829.43,832.78,836.13,839.48,842.83,846.18,849.52,852.87,856.22 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATHED0211\.ES Wavelengths Data |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | type | String | ES |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | units | String | uW/cm^2/nm |
attribute | SATHED0211_ES_wavelengths_data | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | actual_range | double | -0.108, 41.693 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATCTD7229.tdf |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | colorBarMaximum | String | 40 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | colorBarMinimum | String | 30 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | field_length | String | 8 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | long_name | String | Sea Water Electrical Conductivity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | standard_name | String | sea_water_electrical_conductivity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | units | String | mS/cm |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | variable_length | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_electrical_conductivity | vendors_sensor_name | String | COND |
variable | SATCTD7229_PRES | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | actual_range | double | -0.95, 71.55 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATCTD7229.tdf |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | field_length | String | 7 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | long_name | String | Sea Water Pressure |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | standard_name | String | sea_water_pressure |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | type | String | PRES |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | units | String | dbar |
attribute | SATCTD7229_PRES | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | actual_range | double | 0.01, 31.983 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATCTD7229.tdf |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | colorBarMaximum | String | 37 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | colorBarMinimum | String | 32 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | field_length | String | 8 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | long_name | String | Sea Water Salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | standard_name | String | sea_water_salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | units | String | PSU |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | variable_length | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_salinity | vendors_sensor_name | String | SALINITY |
variable | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | actual_range | double | -0.205, 21.146 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATCTD7229.tdf |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | field_length | String | 8 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | id | String | w |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | ioos_category | String | Temperature |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | long_name | String | Sea Water Temperature |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | standard_name | String | sea_water_temperature |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | units | String | C |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | variable_length | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_temperature | vendors_sensor_name | String | T |
variable | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | actual_range | double | -3.94662967589044, 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATCTD7229.tdf |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | field_length | String | 8 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | long_name | String | Sea Water Ph Reported On Total Scale |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | standard_name | String | sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | units | String | pH |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | variable_length | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale | vendors_sensor_name | String | pH |
variable | SATCTD7229_latitude | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_latitude | actual_range | double | 44.65, 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATCTD7229_latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | SATCTD7229_latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | SATCTD7229_latitude | units | String | degree_north |
variable | SATCTD7229_longitude | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_longitude | actual_range | double | -63.6512885, 63.6 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATCTD7229_longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | SATCTD7229_longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | SATCTD7229_longitude | units | String | degree_west |
variable | SATCTD7229_i_depth | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_i_depth | actual_range | double | -0.942318526460188, 70.9590135430068 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_i_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATCTD7229_i_depth | long_name | String | Depth |
attribute | SATCTD7229_i_depth | standard_name | String | depth |
attribute | SATCTD7229_i_depth | units | String | m |
variable | SATCTD7229_sea_water_practical_salinity | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_practical_salinity | actual_range | double | 0.00342949307535122, 31.9825177311593 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_practical_salinity | colorBarMaximum | String | 37 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_practical_salinity | colorBarMinimum | String | 32 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_practical_salinity | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_practical_salinity | long_name | String | Sea Water Practical Salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_practical_salinity | standard_name | String | sea_water_practical_salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_practical_salinity | units | String | PSU |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_practical_salinity | vendors_sensor_name | String | TEOS_practical_salinity |
variable | SATCTD7229_sea_water_absolute_salinity | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_absolute_salinity | actual_range | double | 0.00344599104831257, 32.1363175098308 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_absolute_salinity | colorBarMaximum | String | 37 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_absolute_salinity | colorBarMinimum | String | 32 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_absolute_salinity | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_absolute_salinity | long_name | String | Sea Water Absolute Salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_absolute_salinity | standard_name | String | sea_water_absolute_salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_absolute_salinity | units | String | PSU |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_absolute_salinity | vendors_sensor_name | String | TEOS_absolute_salinity |
variable | SATCTD7229_sea_water_density | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_density | actual_range | double | 999.257331576793, 1025.53606054041 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_density | colorBarMaximum | String | 28 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_density | colorBarMinimum | String | 20 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_density | ioos_category | String | Salinity |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_density | long_name | String | Sea Water Density |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_density | standard_name | String | sea_water_density |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_density | units | String | kg m-3 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_density | vendors_sensor_name | String | TEOS_density |
variable | SATCTD7229_pH_volts | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_pH_volts | actual_range | double | 0.0, 3.1 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_pH_volts | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATCTD7229_pH_volts | long_name | String | PH Volts |
attribute | SATCTD7229_pH_volts | standard_name | String | ph_volts |
attribute | SATCTD7229_pH_volts | units | String | V |
variable | SATCTD7229_O2_volts | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_O2_volts | actual_range | double | -0.004, 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_O2_volts | ioos_category | String | Dissolved O2 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_O2_volts | long_name | String | O2 Volts |
attribute | SATCTD7229_O2_volts | standard_name | String | o2_volts |
attribute | SATCTD7229_O2_volts | units | String | V |
variable | SATCTD7229_percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water | actual_range | double | -24.2086895740241, 285.98343325833133 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water | colorBarMaximum | String | 100 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water | colorBarMinimum | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water | ioos_category | String | Dissolved O2 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water | long_name | String | Percent Saturation Of Oxygen In Sea Water |
attribute | SATCTD7229_percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water | standard_name | String | percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | SATCTD7229_percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water | units | String | % |
attribute | SATCTD7229_percent_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water | vendors_sensor_name | String | O2_percent_sat |
variable | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | actual_range | double | -87.6779162862632, 9.969209968386869E36 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATCTD7229.tdf |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | field_length | String | 8 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | ioos_category | String | Dissolved O2 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | long_name | String | Mole Concentration Of Dissolved Molecular Oxygen In Sea Water |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | standard_name | String | mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | units | String | mol m-3 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | variable_length | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water | vendors_sensor_name | String | O2 |
variable | SATCTD7229_sea_water_conservative_temperature | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_conservative_temperature | actual_range | double | -0.186883635061186, 21.3326112138442 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_conservative_temperature | ioos_category | String | Temperature |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_conservative_temperature | long_name | String | Sea Water Conservative Temperature |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_conservative_temperature | standard_name | String | sea_water_conservative_temperature |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_conservative_temperature | units | String | K |
attribute | SATCTD7229_sea_water_conservative_temperature | vendors_sensor_name | String | TEOS_conservative_temperature |
variable | SATCTD7229_CRLF | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | actual_range | double | 3338.0, 3338.0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATCTD7229.tdf |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | id | String | TERMINATOR |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | long_name | String | SATCTD7229\.CRLF |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | type | String | CRLF |
attribute | SATCTD7229_CRLF | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | String | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATCTD7229.tdf |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | field_length | String | 6 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | id | String | SATCTD |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | long_name | String | SATCTD7229\.INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | type | String | INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATCTD7229_INSTRUMENT | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATCTD7229_SN | double | ||
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | actual_range | double | 7229.0, 7229.0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATCTD7229.tdf |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | id | String | 7229 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | long_name | String | SATCTD7229\.SN |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | type | String | SN |
attribute | SATCTD7229_SN | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATFL30338_latitude | double | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_latitude | actual_range | double | 44.65, 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | SATFL30338_latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATFL30338_latitude | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.latitude |
variable | SATFL30338_longitude | double | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_longitude | actual_range | double | -63.6512885, 63.6 |
attribute | SATFL30338_longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATFL30338_longitude | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.longitude |
variable | SATFL30338_REF_PHYTO_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_PHYTO_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_PHYTO_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.REF PHYTO Wavelengths |
variable | SATFL30338_REF_PHYTO_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_PHYTO_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_PHYTO_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.REF PHYTO Wavelengths Data |
variable | SATFL30338_PHYTO_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_PHYTO_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATFL30338_PHYTO_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.PHYTO Wavelengths Data |
variable | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red | double | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red | actual_range | double | -0.8607, 29.0977 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red | colorBarMaximum | String | 30 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red | colorBarMinimum | String | 0.03 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red | ioos_category | String | Ocean Color |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.fluorescence Chlorophyll Blue To Red |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red | units | String | ug/L |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_blue_to_red | vendors_sensor_name | String | PHYTO-BLUE |
variable | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | double | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | actual_range | double | -15.7731, 425.6388 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATFL30338-7.tdf |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | calibration_coefficients | String | 0.0012136 56 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | fit_type | String | POLYF |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | ioos_category | String | Optical Properties |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.fluorescence Cdom Uv To Blue |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | units | String | ppb |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | variable_length | long | 1 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_cdom_uv_to_blue | vendors_sensor_name | String | CDOM |
variable | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_red_to_far_red | double | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_red_to_far_red | actual_range | double | -0.06068, 4.9235752 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_red_to_far_red | colorBarMaximum | String | 30 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_red_to_far_red | colorBarMinimum | String | 0.03 |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_red_to_far_red | colorBarScale | String | Log |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_red_to_far_red | ioos_category | String | Ocean Color |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_red_to_far_red | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.fluorescence Chlorophyll Red To Far Red |
attribute | SATFL30338_fluorescence_chlorophyll_red_to_far_red | vendors_sensor_name | String | PHYTO-RED |
variable | SATFL30338_i_depth | double | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_i_depth | actual_range | double | -0.36597866709696, 70.9590135430068 |
attribute | SATFL30338_i_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATFL30338_i_depth | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.i Depth |
variable | SATFL30338_PHYTO_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_PHYTO_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATFL30338_PHYTO_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.PHYTO Wavelengths |
variable | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | String | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATFL30338-7.tdf |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.DATEFIELD |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | type | String | DATEFIELD |
attribute | SATFL30338_DATEFIELD | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | double | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | actual_range | double | 460.0, 460.0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATFL30338-7.tdf |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.REF CDOM |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | type | String | REF_CDOM |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | units | String | V |
attribute | SATFL30338_REF_CDOM | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATFL30338_THERM | double | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | actual_range | double | 19.4346, 21.1548 |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATFL30338-7.tdf |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | calibration_coefficients | String | 0.0366 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | delimiters | String | 0x09 0x0D0x0A |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | fit_type | String | POLYF |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.THERM |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | type | String | THERM |
attribute | SATFL30338_THERM | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | String | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATFL30338-7.tdf |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.TIMEFIELD |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | type | String | TIMEFIELD |
attribute | SATFL30338_TIMEFIELD | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | String | ||
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATFL30338-7.tdf |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | field_length | String | 10 |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | id | String | SATFL30338 |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | long_name | String | SATFL30338\.VLF INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | type | String | VLF_INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATFL30338_VLF_INSTRUMENT | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | String | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATSTX0016a.cal |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | field_length | String | 6 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | id | String | SATSTX |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | long_name | String | SATSTX0016\.INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | type | String | INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATSTX0016_INSTRUMENT | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATSTX0016_SN | double | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | actual_range | double | 16.0, 16.0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATSTX0016a.cal |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | id | String | 0016 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | long_name | String | SATSTX0016\.SN |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | type | String | SN |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SN | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATSTX0016_SV | double | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | actual_range | double | 23925.0, 30693.0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATSTX0016a.cal |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | long_name | String | SATSTX0016\.SV |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | type | String | SV |
attribute | SATSTX0016_SV | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATSTX0016_T | double | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | actual_range | double | -0.551019701058976, 20.098295678617433 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATSTX0016a.cal |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | calibration_coefficients | String | -6.571290234e+005 6.194573165e+001 -2.335026369e-003 4.398794607e-008 -4.140914430e-013 1.558360298e-018 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | fit_type | String | POLYU |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | id | String | w |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | long_name | String | SATSTX0016\.T |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | type | String | T |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | units | String | C |
attribute | SATSTX0016_T | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATSTX0016a.cal |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | field_length | String | 2,3 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | fit_applied | String | False,True |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | fit_type | String | NONE,COUNT |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | id | String | 1,2,3,5,6,10 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATSTX0016\.AUX Wavelengths |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | type | String | AUX |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATSTX0016a.cal |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | field_length | String | 2,3 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | fit_applied | String | False,True |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | fit_type | String | NONE,COUNT |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | id | String | 1,2,3,5,6,10 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATSTX0016\.AUX Wavelengths Data |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | type | String | AUX |
attribute | SATSTX0016_AUX_wavelengths_data | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATSTX0016_Aux | double | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | actual_range | double | 5.04320256E8, 5.11292421E8 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATSTX0016a.cal |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | id | String | 9 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | long_name | String | SATSTX0016\.Aux |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | type | String | Aux |
attribute | SATSTX0016_Aux | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATSTX0016_CRLF | double | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | actual_range | double | 3338.0, 3338.0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATSTX0016a.cal |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | id | String | TERMINATOR |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | long_name | String | SATSTX0016\.CRLF |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | type | String | CRLF |
attribute | SATSTX0016_CRLF | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATSTX0016_latitude | double | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_latitude | actual_range | double | 44.65, 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATSTX0016_latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | SATSTX0016_latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | SATSTX0016_latitude | units | String | degree_north |
variable | SATSTX0016_longitude | double | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_longitude | actual_range | double | -63.6512885, 63.6 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATSTX0016_longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | SATSTX0016_longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | SATSTX0016_longitude | units | String | degree_west |
variable | SATSTX0016_i_depth | double | ||
attribute | SATSTX0016_i_depth | actual_range | double | -0.0129711595624119, 70.9590135430068 |
attribute | SATSTX0016_i_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATSTX0016_i_depth | long_name | String | Depth |
attribute | SATSTX0016_i_depth | standard_name | String | depth |
attribute | SATSTX0016_i_depth | units | String | m |
variable | SATHSE0211_CHECK | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | actual_range | double | 0.0, 255.0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | id | String | SUM |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.CHECK |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | type | String | CHECK |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CHECK | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_CRLF | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | actual_range | double | 3338.0, 3466.0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | id | String | TERMINATOR |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.CRLF |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | type | String | CRLF |
attribute | SATHSE0211_CRLF | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | actual_range | double | 429.0, 1498.0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | id | String | ES |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.DARK AVE |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | type | String | DARK_AVE |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_AVE | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | actual_range | double | 15.0, 15.0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | id | String | ES |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.DARK SAMP |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | type | String | DARK_SAMP |
attribute | SATHSE0211_DARK_SAMP | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_FRAME | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | actual_range | double | 0.0, 255.0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | id | String | COUNTER |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.FRAME |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | type | String | FRAME |
attribute | SATHSE0211_FRAME | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | String | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | field_length | String | 6 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | id | String | SATHSE |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | type | String | INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INSTRUMENT | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | actual_range | double | 0.016, 32.832 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | calibration_coefficients | String | 0.0000 1.0000e-003 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | fit_type | String | POLYU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | id | String | ES |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.INTTIME |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | type | String | INTTIME |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | units | String | sec |
attribute | SATHSE0211_INTTIME | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | actual_range | double | 0.0, 8.224 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | calibration_coefficients | String | 0.0000 1.0000e-003 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | fit_type | String | POLYU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | id | String | DELAY |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.SAMPLE |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | type | String | SAMPLE |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | units | String | sec |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SAMPLE | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_SN | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | actual_range | double | 211.0, 211.0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | id | String | 0211 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.SN |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | type | String | SN |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SN | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | actual_range | double | -8.88, 37.13 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | field_length | String | 6 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.SPECTEMP |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | type | String | SPECTEMP |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | units | String | C |
attribute | SATHSE0211_SPECTEMP | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_TIMER | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | actual_range | double | 0.0, 3109.8 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | data_handler | String | <function ascii_floating_point at 0x7f4790547790> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | data_type | String | AF |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | field_length | String | 10 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.TIMER |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | type | String | TIMER |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | units | String | sec |
attribute | SATHSE0211_TIMER | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_latitude | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_latitude | actual_range | double | 44.65, 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATHSE0211_latitude | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.latitude |
variable | SATHSE0211_longitude | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_longitude | actual_range | double | -63.6512885, 63.6 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATHSE0211_longitude | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.longitude |
variable | SATHSE0211_i_depth | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_i_depth | actual_range | double | -0.386469991559976, 70.9590135430068 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_i_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATHSE0211_i_depth | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.i Depth |
variable | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | calibration_coefficients | String | ['819.275', '4.49009565118e-003', '1.000', '0.256'],820.348 4.73583059541e-003 1.000 0.256,820.203 4.63531629976e-003 1.000 0.256,819.913 4.57954923903e-003 1.000 0.256,818.188 4.40706582657e-003 1.000 0.256,821.116 4.30413423732e-003 1.000 0.256,817.928 4.08173435413e-003 1.000 0.256,819.928 3.87564294107e-003 1.000 0.256,819.739 3.73233108142e-003 1.000 0.256,819.319 3.5431806777e-003 1.000 0.256,816.246 3.31666634305e-003 1.000 0.256,817.087 3.08279421267e-003 1.000 0.256,815.478 2.88988436194e-003 1.000 0.256,817.174 2.62137571327e-003 1.000 0.256,816.362 2.40354830132e-003 1.000 0.256,818.797 2.22955887756e-003 1.000 0.256,815.406 2.08988311881e-003 1.000 0.256,820.971 2.01193032414e-003 1.000 0.256,817.536 1.93823193948e-003 1.000 0.256,817.652 1.90904206544e-003 1.000 0.256,818.812 1.92179013804e-003 1.000 0.256,817.667 1.94062824787e-003 1.000 0.256,816.493 1.97073156195e-003 1.000 0.256,818.739 1.9836026683e-003 1.000 0.256,816.928 1.9745862726e-003 1.000 0.256,820.681 1.96431648329e-003 1.000 0.256,817.333 1.93704170184e-003 1.000 0.256,815.739 1.88945036435e-003 1.000 0.256,816.072 1.83402978683e-003 1.000 0.256,815.710 1.76128001275e-003 1.000 0.256,814.986 1.68805386871e-003 1.000 0.256,816.464 1.59558507377e-003 1.000 0.256,815.174 1.50698997038e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.41909555799e-003 1.000 0.256,815.768 1.33639829123e-003 1.000 0.256,816.710 1.25821743549e-003 1.000 0.256,816.754 1.19323992183e-003 1.000 0.256,817.739 1.13461090053e-003 1.000 0.256,814.072 1.08794835992e-003 1.000 0.256,816.681 1.05726613696e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 1.03505765129e-003 1.000 0.256,816.681 1.02420570724e-003 1.000 0.256,813.522 1.02010192856e-003 1.000 0.256,817.029 1.02709163754e-003 1.000 0.256,816.174 1.03806662879e-003 1.000 0.256,817.507 1.05474460428e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 1.0729756104e-003 1.000 0.256,818.536 1.09238081382e-003 1.000 0.256,815.551 1.11453848594e-003 1.000 0.256,820.217 1.13655822831e-003 1.000 0.256,818.348 1.15922289606e-003 1.000 0.256,819.812 1.17929656906e-003 1.000 0.256,816.493 1.19488457156e-003 1.000 0.256,817.246 1.20410876032e-003 1.000 0.256,819.899 1.20942454884e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.20743957991e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 1.20289176213e-003 1.000 0.256,820.522 1.19178327665e-003 1.000 0.256,816.319 1.17562904295e-003 1.000 0.256,819.014 1.15714130772e-003 1.000 0.256,817.739 1.13303744198e-003 1.000 0.256,818.812 1.10730672016e-003 1.000 0.256,816.188 1.07999513616e-003 1.000 0.256,819.565 1.05542549695e-003 1.000 0.256,820.580 1.03336323596e-003 1.000 0.256,818.478 1.01347919986e-003 1.000 0.256,817.261 9.96736749513e-004 1.000 0.256,819.841 9.82519195055e-004 1.000 0.256,820.464 9.69276910779e-004 1.000 0.256,819.174 9.55988390517e-004 1.000 0.256,818.275 9.44552858421e-004 1.000 0.256,822.232 9.34994497259e-004 1.000 0.256,817.420 9.26909621222e-004 1.000 0.256,820.696 9.19608141235e-004 1.000 0.256,820.580 9.1172215057e-004 1.000 0.256,820.652 9.07362728679e-004 1.000 0.256,821.536 9.07373769711e-004 1.000 0.256,820.072 9.09359433026e-004 1.000 0.256,820.203 9.14227027225e-004 1.000 0.256,819.116 9.18712619829e-004 1.000 0.256,820.986 9.23953078959e-004 1.000 0.256,821.551 9.32274840456e-004 1.000 0.256,819.014 9.42353915423e-004 1.000 0.256,822.420 9.61070250682e-004 1.000 0.256,819.667 9.8486520277e-004 1.000 0.256,821.029 1.00630594829e-003 1.000 0.256,817.551 1.02936635837e-003 1.000 0.256,822.652 1.05417309532e-003 1.000 0.256,818.232 1.07620856149e-003 1.000 0.256,817.710 1.09842315844e-003 1.000 0.256,819.406 1.12035370238e-003 1.000 0.256,820.551 1.14182779666e-003 1.000 0.256,818.768 1.16315274883e-003 1.000 0.256,820.551 1.18530207723e-003 1.000 0.256,817.768 1.20609286282e-003 1.000 0.256,821.072 1.22416591233e-003 1.000 0.256,818.507 1.24193524338e-003 1.000 0.256,821.783 1.25645483035e-003 1.000 0.256,820.000 1.27043377097e-003 1.000 0.256,820.957 1.28273118688e-003 1.000 0.256,820.478 1.2957294347e-003 1.000 0.256,820.870 1.31230043648e-003 1.000 0.256,820.652 1.33293618699e-003 1.000 0.256,820.101 1.35740324755e-003 1.000 0.256,818.797 1.38266416807e-003 1.000 0.256,817.493 1.40385874042e-003 1.000 0.256,816.000 1.41856586777e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.42776355875e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 1.4340976044e-003 1.000 0.256,818.290 1.43814411489e-003 1.000 0.256,818.029 1.44400481178e-003 1.000 0.256,819.319 1.44944487511e-003 1.000 0.256,816.478 1.4567402626e-003 1.000 0.256,819.464 1.46403559613e-003 1.000 0.256,818.188 1.4716921066e-003 1.000 0.256,819.696 1.47686007579e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 1.47921786084e-003 1.000 0.256,819.986 1.47545326641e-003 1.000 0.256,820.565 1.46737230994e-003 1.000 0.256,818.884 1.45532948426e-003 1.000 0.256,819.304 1.44238082084e-003 1.000 0.256,819.377 1.43166965205e-003 1.000 0.256,818.493 1.42321073283e-003 1.000 0.256,821.377 1.41754414322e-003 1.000 0.256,817.971 1.41369777822e-003 1.000 0.256,819.449 1.41171909061e-003 1.000 0.256,818.652 1.4122378002e-003 1.000 0.256,821.000 1.41627384183e-003 1.000 0.256,818.101 1.42100400772e-003 1.000 0.256,815.188 1.42843445376e-003 1.000 0.256,818.000 1.43621121821e-003 1.000 0.256,818.913 1.44520320577e-003 1.000 0.256,819.333 1.46016653373e-003 1.000 0.256,819.565 1.47694614612e-003 1.000 0.256,817.464 1.50078357029e-003 1.000 0.256,821.087 1.52944005534e-003 1.000 0.256,819.464 1.5637301741e-003 1.000 0.256,824.377 1.60036031675e-003 1.000 0.256,818.754 1.64050492948e-003 1.000 0.256,819.580 1.6788913482e-003 1.000 0.256,818.841 1.72057563576e-003 1.000 0.256,820.710 1.76317207342e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 1.80617733966e-003 1.000 0.256,818.652 1.85138782018e-003 1.000 0.256,817.870 1.89891850555e-003 1.000 0.256,820.754 1.94507868825e-003 1.000 0.256,816.884 1.99647125796e-003 1.000 0.256,817.536 2.05116542596e-003 1.000 0.256,816.899 2.10940593524e-003 1.000 0.256,815.681 2.17311363203e-003 1.000 0.256,814.319 2.24323358483e-003 1.000 0.256,818.696 2.31986978972e-003 1.000 0.256,815.217 2.40214183514e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 2.48963059721e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 2.57298735646e-003 1.000 0.256,820.536 2.66213828284e-003 1.000 0.256,816.725 2.75292629199e-003 1.000 0.256,817.928 2.84286009533e-003 1.000 0.256,817.478 2.93747678094e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 3.02822012474e-003 1.000 0.256,815.319 3.11795596624e-003 1.000 0.256,817.710 3.20898135009e-003 1.000 0.256,815.145 3.29946609701e-003 1.000 0.256,814.957 3.39097054993e-003 1.000 0.256,812.667 3.48996177005e-003 1.000 0.256 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | fit_type | String | OPTIC3 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | id | String | 305.55,308.89,312.22,315.55,318.88,322.22,325.55,328.89,332.22,335.56,338.90,342.23,345.57,348.91,352.25,355.59,358.94,362.28,365.62,368.97,372.31,375.66,379.00,382.35,385.69,389.04,392.39,395.74,399.09,402.44,405.79,409.14,412.49,415.84,419.20,422.55,425.90,429.26,432.61,435.97,439.32,442.68,446.03,449.39,452.75,456.11,459.47,462.82,466.18,469.54,472.90,476.26,479.62,482.98,486.35,489.71,493.07,496.43,499.79,503.16,506.52,509.88,513.25,516.61,519.98,523.34,526.70,530.07,533.43,536.80,540.17,543.53,546.90,550.26,553.63,557.00,560.36,563.73,567.10,570.47,573.83,577.20,580.57,583.93,587.30,590.67,594.04,597.41,600.77,604.14,607.51,610.88,614.25,617.61,620.98,624.35,627.72,631.09,634.45,637.82,641.19,644.56,647.93,651.29,654.66,658.03,661.40,664.76,668.13,671.50,674.86,678.23,681.60,684.96,688.33,691.70,695.06,698.43,701.79,705.16,708.52,711.89,715.25,718.62,721.98,725.34,728.71,732.07,735.43,738.79,742.16,745.52,748.88,752.24,755.60,758.96,762.32,765.68,769.04,772.40,775.76,779.12,782.47,785.83,789.19,792.54,795.90,799.26,802.61,805.97,809.32,812.67,816.03,819.38,822.73,826.08,829.43,832.78,836.13,839.48,842.83,846.18,849.52,852.87,856.22 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.ES Wavelengths |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | type | String | ES |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | units | String | uW/cm^2/nm |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/HSE211M.cal |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | calibration_coefficients | String | ['819.275', '4.49009565118e-003', '1.000', '0.256'],820.348 4.73583059541e-003 1.000 0.256,820.203 4.63531629976e-003 1.000 0.256,819.913 4.57954923903e-003 1.000 0.256,818.188 4.40706582657e-003 1.000 0.256,821.116 4.30413423732e-003 1.000 0.256,817.928 4.08173435413e-003 1.000 0.256,819.928 3.87564294107e-003 1.000 0.256,819.739 3.73233108142e-003 1.000 0.256,819.319 3.5431806777e-003 1.000 0.256,816.246 3.31666634305e-003 1.000 0.256,817.087 3.08279421267e-003 1.000 0.256,815.478 2.88988436194e-003 1.000 0.256,817.174 2.62137571327e-003 1.000 0.256,816.362 2.40354830132e-003 1.000 0.256,818.797 2.22955887756e-003 1.000 0.256,815.406 2.08988311881e-003 1.000 0.256,820.971 2.01193032414e-003 1.000 0.256,817.536 1.93823193948e-003 1.000 0.256,817.652 1.90904206544e-003 1.000 0.256,818.812 1.92179013804e-003 1.000 0.256,817.667 1.94062824787e-003 1.000 0.256,816.493 1.97073156195e-003 1.000 0.256,818.739 1.9836026683e-003 1.000 0.256,816.928 1.9745862726e-003 1.000 0.256,820.681 1.96431648329e-003 1.000 0.256,817.333 1.93704170184e-003 1.000 0.256,815.739 1.88945036435e-003 1.000 0.256,816.072 1.83402978683e-003 1.000 0.256,815.710 1.76128001275e-003 1.000 0.256,814.986 1.68805386871e-003 1.000 0.256,816.464 1.59558507377e-003 1.000 0.256,815.174 1.50698997038e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.41909555799e-003 1.000 0.256,815.768 1.33639829123e-003 1.000 0.256,816.710 1.25821743549e-003 1.000 0.256,816.754 1.19323992183e-003 1.000 0.256,817.739 1.13461090053e-003 1.000 0.256,814.072 1.08794835992e-003 1.000 0.256,816.681 1.05726613696e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 1.03505765129e-003 1.000 0.256,816.681 1.02420570724e-003 1.000 0.256,813.522 1.02010192856e-003 1.000 0.256,817.029 1.02709163754e-003 1.000 0.256,816.174 1.03806662879e-003 1.000 0.256,817.507 1.05474460428e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 1.0729756104e-003 1.000 0.256,818.536 1.09238081382e-003 1.000 0.256,815.551 1.11453848594e-003 1.000 0.256,820.217 1.13655822831e-003 1.000 0.256,818.348 1.15922289606e-003 1.000 0.256,819.812 1.17929656906e-003 1.000 0.256,816.493 1.19488457156e-003 1.000 0.256,817.246 1.20410876032e-003 1.000 0.256,819.899 1.20942454884e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.20743957991e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 1.20289176213e-003 1.000 0.256,820.522 1.19178327665e-003 1.000 0.256,816.319 1.17562904295e-003 1.000 0.256,819.014 1.15714130772e-003 1.000 0.256,817.739 1.13303744198e-003 1.000 0.256,818.812 1.10730672016e-003 1.000 0.256,816.188 1.07999513616e-003 1.000 0.256,819.565 1.05542549695e-003 1.000 0.256,820.580 1.03336323596e-003 1.000 0.256,818.478 1.01347919986e-003 1.000 0.256,817.261 9.96736749513e-004 1.000 0.256,819.841 9.82519195055e-004 1.000 0.256,820.464 9.69276910779e-004 1.000 0.256,819.174 9.55988390517e-004 1.000 0.256,818.275 9.44552858421e-004 1.000 0.256,822.232 9.34994497259e-004 1.000 0.256,817.420 9.26909621222e-004 1.000 0.256,820.696 9.19608141235e-004 1.000 0.256,820.580 9.1172215057e-004 1.000 0.256,820.652 9.07362728679e-004 1.000 0.256,821.536 9.07373769711e-004 1.000 0.256,820.072 9.09359433026e-004 1.000 0.256,820.203 9.14227027225e-004 1.000 0.256,819.116 9.18712619829e-004 1.000 0.256,820.986 9.23953078959e-004 1.000 0.256,821.551 9.32274840456e-004 1.000 0.256,819.014 9.42353915423e-004 1.000 0.256,822.420 9.61070250682e-004 1.000 0.256,819.667 9.8486520277e-004 1.000 0.256,821.029 1.00630594829e-003 1.000 0.256,817.551 1.02936635837e-003 1.000 0.256,822.652 1.05417309532e-003 1.000 0.256,818.232 1.07620856149e-003 1.000 0.256,817.710 1.09842315844e-003 1.000 0.256,819.406 1.12035370238e-003 1.000 0.256,820.551 1.14182779666e-003 1.000 0.256,818.768 1.16315274883e-003 1.000 0.256,820.551 1.18530207723e-003 1.000 0.256,817.768 1.20609286282e-003 1.000 0.256,821.072 1.22416591233e-003 1.000 0.256,818.507 1.24193524338e-003 1.000 0.256,821.783 1.25645483035e-003 1.000 0.256,820.000 1.27043377097e-003 1.000 0.256,820.957 1.28273118688e-003 1.000 0.256,820.478 1.2957294347e-003 1.000 0.256,820.870 1.31230043648e-003 1.000 0.256,820.652 1.33293618699e-003 1.000 0.256,820.101 1.35740324755e-003 1.000 0.256,818.797 1.38266416807e-003 1.000 0.256,817.493 1.40385874042e-003 1.000 0.256,816.000 1.41856586777e-003 1.000 0.256,817.826 1.42776355875e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 1.4340976044e-003 1.000 0.256,818.290 1.43814411489e-003 1.000 0.256,818.029 1.44400481178e-003 1.000 0.256,819.319 1.44944487511e-003 1.000 0.256,816.478 1.4567402626e-003 1.000 0.256,819.464 1.46403559613e-003 1.000 0.256,818.188 1.4716921066e-003 1.000 0.256,819.696 1.47686007579e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 1.47921786084e-003 1.000 0.256,819.986 1.47545326641e-003 1.000 0.256,820.565 1.46737230994e-003 1.000 0.256,818.884 1.45532948426e-003 1.000 0.256,819.304 1.44238082084e-003 1.000 0.256,819.377 1.43166965205e-003 1.000 0.256,818.493 1.42321073283e-003 1.000 0.256,821.377 1.41754414322e-003 1.000 0.256,817.971 1.41369777822e-003 1.000 0.256,819.449 1.41171909061e-003 1.000 0.256,818.652 1.4122378002e-003 1.000 0.256,821.000 1.41627384183e-003 1.000 0.256,818.101 1.42100400772e-003 1.000 0.256,815.188 1.42843445376e-003 1.000 0.256,818.000 1.43621121821e-003 1.000 0.256,818.913 1.44520320577e-003 1.000 0.256,819.333 1.46016653373e-003 1.000 0.256,819.565 1.47694614612e-003 1.000 0.256,817.464 1.50078357029e-003 1.000 0.256,821.087 1.52944005534e-003 1.000 0.256,819.464 1.5637301741e-003 1.000 0.256,824.377 1.60036031675e-003 1.000 0.256,818.754 1.64050492948e-003 1.000 0.256,819.580 1.6788913482e-003 1.000 0.256,818.841 1.72057563576e-003 1.000 0.256,820.710 1.76317207342e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 1.80617733966e-003 1.000 0.256,818.652 1.85138782018e-003 1.000 0.256,817.870 1.89891850555e-003 1.000 0.256,820.754 1.94507868825e-003 1.000 0.256,816.884 1.99647125796e-003 1.000 0.256,817.536 2.05116542596e-003 1.000 0.256,816.899 2.10940593524e-003 1.000 0.256,815.681 2.17311363203e-003 1.000 0.256,814.319 2.24323358483e-003 1.000 0.256,818.696 2.31986978972e-003 1.000 0.256,815.217 2.40214183514e-003 1.000 0.256,818.870 2.48963059721e-003 1.000 0.256,817.101 2.57298735646e-003 1.000 0.256,820.536 2.66213828284e-003 1.000 0.256,816.725 2.75292629199e-003 1.000 0.256,817.928 2.84286009533e-003 1.000 0.256,817.478 2.93747678094e-003 1.000 0.256,815.362 3.02822012474e-003 1.000 0.256,815.319 3.11795596624e-003 1.000 0.256,817.710 3.20898135009e-003 1.000 0.256,815.145 3.29946609701e-003 1.000 0.256,814.957 3.39097054993e-003 1.000 0.256,812.667 3.48996177005e-003 1.000 0.256 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | fit_type | String | OPTIC3 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | id | String | 305.55,308.89,312.22,315.55,318.88,322.22,325.55,328.89,332.22,335.56,338.90,342.23,345.57,348.91,352.25,355.59,358.94,362.28,365.62,368.97,372.31,375.66,379.00,382.35,385.69,389.04,392.39,395.74,399.09,402.44,405.79,409.14,412.49,415.84,419.20,422.55,425.90,429.26,432.61,435.97,439.32,442.68,446.03,449.39,452.75,456.11,459.47,462.82,466.18,469.54,472.90,476.26,479.62,482.98,486.35,489.71,493.07,496.43,499.79,503.16,506.52,509.88,513.25,516.61,519.98,523.34,526.70,530.07,533.43,536.80,540.17,543.53,546.90,550.26,553.63,557.00,560.36,563.73,567.10,570.47,573.83,577.20,580.57,583.93,587.30,590.67,594.04,597.41,600.77,604.14,607.51,610.88,614.25,617.61,620.98,624.35,627.72,631.09,634.45,637.82,641.19,644.56,647.93,651.29,654.66,658.03,661.40,664.76,668.13,671.50,674.86,678.23,681.60,684.96,688.33,691.70,695.06,698.43,701.79,705.16,708.52,711.89,715.25,718.62,721.98,725.34,728.71,732.07,735.43,738.79,742.16,745.52,748.88,752.24,755.60,758.96,762.32,765.68,769.04,772.40,775.76,779.12,782.47,785.83,789.19,792.54,795.90,799.26,802.61,805.97,809.32,812.67,816.03,819.38,822.73,826.08,829.43,832.78,836.13,839.48,842.83,846.18,849.52,852.87,856.22 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.ES Wavelengths Data |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | type | String | ES |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | units | String | uW/cm^2/nm |
attribute | SATHSE0211_ES_wavelengths_data | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATHSE0211_integration_time | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_integration_time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | SATHSE0211_integration_time | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.integration Time |
variable | SATHSE0211_weighted_spectral_depth | double | ||
attribute | SATHSE0211_weighted_spectral_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATHSE0211_weighted_spectral_depth | long_name | String | SATHSE0211\.weighted Spectral Depth |
variable | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | double | ||
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | _ChunkSizes | long | 512 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | actual_range | double | -0.118316411972046, 0.4365409314632416 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SUNA0045SLB.TDF |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | data_handler | String | <function single_precision_floating_point at 0x7f47905475e0> |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | data_type | String | BF |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | long_name | String | Mass Concentration Of Nitrate In Sea Water |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | standard_name | String | mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | units | String | mg/L |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | variable_length | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mass_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | vendors_sensor_name | String | NITRATE_MG |
variable | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | double | ||
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | _ChunkSizes | long | 512 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | actual_range | double | -8.44712924957275, 31.16657829284668 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SUNA0045SLB.TDF |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | data_handler | String | <function single_precision_floating_point at 0x7f47905475e0> |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | data_type | String | BF |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | long_name | String | Mole Concentration Of Nitrate In Sea Water |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | standard_name | String | mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | units | String | uMolar |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | variable_length | long | 0 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water | vendors_sensor_name | String | NITRATE_UM |
variable | SATSLB0045_latitude | double | ||
attribute | SATSLB0045_latitude | _ChunkSizes | long | 512 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_latitude | actual_range | double | 44.65, 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATSLB0045_latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | SATSLB0045_latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | SATSLB0045_latitude | units | String | degree_north |
variable | SATSLB0045_longitude | double | ||
attribute | SATSLB0045_longitude | _ChunkSizes | long | 512 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_longitude | actual_range | double | -63.6512885, 63.6 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATSLB0045_longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | SATSLB0045_longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | SATSLB0045_longitude | units | String | degree_west |
variable | SATSLB0045_i_depth | double | ||
attribute | SATSLB0045_i_depth | _ChunkSizes | long | 512 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_i_depth | actual_range | double | -0.385717829572394, 70.9590135430068 |
attribute | SATSLB0045_i_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATSLB0045_i_depth | long_name | String | Depth |
attribute | SATSLB0045_i_depth | standard_name | String | depth |
attribute | SATSLB0045_i_depth | units | String | m |
variable | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATVSF0113-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | calibration_coefficients | String | ['9.075e-006', '60'],8.735e-006 64,8.166e-006 59 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | fit_type | String | POLYF |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | id | String | 100,125,150 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATVSF0113\.GREEN Wavelengths |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | type | String | GREEN |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | units | String | 1/(m*sr) |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATVSF0113-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | calibration_coefficients | String | ['4.633e-006', '62'],3.634e-006 56,3.265e-006 52 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | fit_type | String | POLYF |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | id | String | 100,125,150 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATVSF0113\.RED Wavelengths |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | type | String | RED |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | units | String | 1/(m*sr) |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATVSF0113-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | calibration_coefficients | String | ['1.245e-005', '49'],1.243e-005 54,1.211e-005 56 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | fit_type | String | POLYF |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | id | String | 100,125,150 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATVSF0113\.BLUE Wavelengths |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | type | String | BLUE |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | units | String | 1/(m*sr) |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATVSF0113_longitude | double | ||
attribute | SATVSF0113_longitude | actual_range | double | -63.6512885, 63.6 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATVSF0113_longitude | long_name | String | SATVSF0113\.longitude |
variable | SATVSF0113_i_depth | double | ||
attribute | SATVSF0113_i_depth | actual_range | double | -0.385717829572394, 70.9590135430068 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_i_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATVSF0113_i_depth | long_name | String | SATVSF0113\.i Depth |
variable | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATVSF0113-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | calibration_coefficients | String | ['1.245e-005', '49'],1.243e-005 54,1.211e-005 56 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | fit_type | String | POLYF |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | id | String | 100,125,150 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATVSF0113\.BLUE Wavelengths Data |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | type | String | BLUE |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | units | String | 1/(m*sr) |
attribute | SATVSF0113_BLUE_wavelengths_data | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATVSF0113-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | calibration_coefficients | String | ['9.075e-006', '60'],8.735e-006 64,8.166e-006 59 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | fit_type | String | POLYF |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | id | String | 100,125,150 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATVSF0113\.GREEN Wavelengths Data |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | type | String | GREEN |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | units | String | 1/(m*sr) |
attribute | SATVSF0113_GREEN_wavelengths_data | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATVSF0113-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | cal_lines | String | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | calibration_coefficients | String | ['4.633e-006', '62'],3.634e-006 56,3.265e-006 52 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | data_handler | String | <function ascii_integer at 0x7f4790547700> |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | data_type | String | AI |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | delimiters | String | 0x09 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | field_length | String | V |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | fit_type | String | POLYF |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | id | String | 100,125,150 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATVSF0113\.RED Wavelengths Data |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | spectral | long | 1 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | type | String | RED |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | units | String | 1/(m*sr) |
attribute | SATVSF0113_RED_wavelengths_data | variable_length | long | 1 |
variable | SATVSF0113_latitude | double | ||
attribute | SATVSF0113_latitude | actual_range | double | 44.65, 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | SATVSF0113_latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATVSF0113_latitude | long_name | String | SATVSF0113\.latitude |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | actual_range | double | 0.0, 65535.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS CHECKSUM |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | type | String | ACS_CHECKSUM |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CHECKSUM | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | actual_range | double | 257.0, 54018.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS C DARK |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | type | String | ACS_C_DARK |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_DARK | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | actual_range | double | 449.0, 49922.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS C SIGNAL |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | type | String | ACS_C_SIGNAL |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_SIGNAL | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | actual_range | double | 20.0, 53759.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS DARK |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | type | String | ACS_DARK |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_DARK | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | actual_range | double | 12.0, 64199.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS EXT TEMP |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | type | String | ACS_EXT_TEMP |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_EXT_TEMP | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | actual_range | double | 4.27825536E9, 4.280352544E9 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS HEAD |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | type | String | ACS_HEAD |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_HEAD | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | actual_range | double | -6.61785759323914, 65281.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS INT TEMP |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | type | String | ACS_INT_TEMP |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_INT_TEMP | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | actual_range | double | 517.0, 65280.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS LEN |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | type | String | ACS_LEN |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_LEN | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | actual_range | double | 0.0, 83.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS METER |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | type | String | ACS_METER |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_METER | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | actual_range | double | 0.0, 255.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS PAD |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | type | String | ACS_PAD |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PAD | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | actual_range | double | 447.0, 65535.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | ioos_category | String | Pressure |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS PRESSURE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | type | String | ACS_PRESSURE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_PRESSURE | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | actual_range | double | 1.0, 192.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS RES |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | type | String | ACS_RES |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | actual_range | double | 1.0, 238.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS RES 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | type | String | ACS_RES_1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_RES_1 | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | actual_range | double | 650.0, 61349.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | field_length | String | 2 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS SIG DARK |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | type | String | ACS_SIG_DARK |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SIG_DARK | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | actual_range | double | 1.0, 2105364.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | field_length | String | 3 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS SN |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | type | String | ACS_SN |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_SN | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | actual_range | double | 10279.0, 2.751466361E9 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS TIME |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | type | String | ACS_TIME |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TIME | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | actual_range | double | 1.0, 5.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS TYPE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | type | String | ACS_TYPE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_TYPE | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | actual_range | double | 1.0, 253.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | fit_applied | long | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | fit_type | String | COUNT |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | id | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS WAVNUM |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | type | String | ACS_WAVNUM |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_WAVNUM | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_AUX | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | actual_range | double | 9.0, 9.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | data_handler | String | <function unsigned_binary_integer at 0x7f47905473a0> |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | data_type | String | BU |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | field_length | String | 1 |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | id | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.AUX |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | type | String | AUX |
attribute | SATACS0020_AUX | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | field_length | String | 6 |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | id | String | SATACS |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | type | String | INSTRUMENT |
attribute | SATACS0020_INSTRUMENT | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_SN | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | actual_range | double | 20.0, 20.0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | cal_file | String | /home/ceotr/resource/bbasin_processing/archive/temp_cal_dir/2021-12-03/SATACS0020-2021.tdf |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | cal_lines | String | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | data_handler | String | <function ascii_text at 0x7f4790547820> |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | data_type | String | AS |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | field_length | String | 4 |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | fit_applied | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | fit_type | String | NONE |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | id | String | 0020 |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.SN |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | spectral | long | 0 |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | type | String | SN |
attribute | SATACS0020_SN | variable_length | long | 0 |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_AREF_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_AREF_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_AREF_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS AREF Wavelengths |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_AREF_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_AREF_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_AREF_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS AREF Wavelengths Data |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_ASIG_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_ASIG_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_ASIG_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS ASIG Wavelengths |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_ASIG_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_ASIG_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_ASIG_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS ASIG Wavelengths Data |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_C_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS C Wavelengths |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_C_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_C_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS C Wavelengths Data |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_A_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_A_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_A_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS A Wavelengths |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_A_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_A_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_A_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS A Wavelengths Data |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_CSIG_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CSIG_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CSIG_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS CSIG Wavelengths |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_CSIG_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CSIG_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CSIG_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS CSIG Wavelengths Data |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_CREF_wavelengths | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CREF_wavelengths | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CREF_wavelengths | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS CREF Wavelengths |
variable | SATACS0020_ACS_CREF_wavelengths_data | String | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CREF_wavelengths_data | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | SATACS0020_ACS_CREF_wavelengths_data | long_name | String | SATACS0020\.ACS CREF Wavelengths Data |
variable | SATACS0020_latitude | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_latitude | actual_range | double | 44.65, 44.7005483333333 |
attribute | SATACS0020_latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATACS0020_latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | SATACS0020_latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | SATACS0020_latitude | units | String | degree_north |
variable | SATACS0020_longitude | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_longitude | actual_range | double | -63.6489593333333, 63.6 |
attribute | SATACS0020_longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATACS0020_longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | SATACS0020_longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | SATACS0020_longitude | units | String | degree_west |
variable | SATACS0020_i_depth | double | ||
attribute | SATACS0020_i_depth | actual_range | double | -0.386846072553767, 69.6346007421858 |
attribute | SATACS0020_i_depth | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | SATACS0020_i_depth | long_name | String | Depth |
attribute | SATACS0020_i_depth | standard_name | String | depth |
attribute | SATACS0020_i_depth | units | String | m |
variable | time | double | ||
attribute | time | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Time |
attribute | time | actual_range | double | 1.263393793E9, 1.6662771708E9 |
attribute | time | axis | String | T |
attribute | time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time | long_name | String | Datetime |
attribute | time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.