Ocean Observing System
Compliance Complete Report
Compliance Dataset Results

CF 1.8 IOOS Compliance Report on ERDDAP datasets
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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Accessible Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID public Glider deployment test #146 - peggy 2022-03-10 (delayed) Offshore Halifax Platform Test. Slocum gliders are small, free-swimming, unmanned vehicles that use changes in buoyancy to move vertically and horizontally through the water column in a saw-tooth pattern. They are deployed for days to several months and gather detailed information about the physical, chemical and biological processes of the world's oceans. The Slocum glider was designed and built by Teledyne Webb Research Corporation, Falmouth, MA, USA.\n\ncdm_data_type = TrajectoryProfile\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\ndepth (m)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nc_battpos (commanded position pitch battery, inch)\nc_de_oil_vol (commanded ballast pump oil volume, cc)\nc_fin (commanded fin position, rad)\nc_heading (commanded heading, rad)\nc_pitch (commanded pitch, rad)\nm_battery (battery voltage, volts)\nm_battery_inst (instantaneous battery voltage, volts)\nm_battpos (measured position pitch battery, inch)\nm_bms_aft_current (intantaneous aft current, amps)\nm_bms_ebay_current (intantaneous energybay current, amps)\nm_bms_emergency_battery_voltage (emergency battery voltage, volts)\nm_bms_pitch_current (intantaneous pitch current, amps)\nm_coulomb_amphr_total (coulomb ampere hours total, amp-hrs)\nm_coulomb_current (instantaneous coulomb current, amps)\nm_depth (Depth, m)\nm_depth_rate_avg_final (average vertical velocity, m s-1)\nm_de_oil_vol (measured ballast pump oil volume, cc)\nm_fin (measured fin position, rad)\nm_final_water_vx (m s-1)\n... (41 more variables)\n ??? Transport Canada peggy_20220310_146_delayed_test

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